BPISS AKC CH / Int CH ArctiCircles Mountains Meet The Ocean CGCA CGCU POA RN TKA ATT WPD VHMA
AKC registered
OFA Hips - Excellent
OFA Elbows - Normal
OFA Eyes - Clear
OFA Heart - Normal
OFA Patella - Normal
PN - Clear via DNA test
CD - Clear via DNA test
PCD - Clear via DNA test
Color- Sable and white
Long coat carrier
Seal and white carrier
Weight - 68 lbs
OFA Hips - Excellent
OFA Elbows - Normal
OFA Eyes - Clear
OFA Heart - Normal
OFA Patella - Normal
PN - Clear via DNA test
CD - Clear via DNA test
PCD - Clear via DNA test
Color- Sable and white
Long coat carrier
Seal and white carrier
Weight - 68 lbs
Acadia was Miss Pink from our Maya and Koen (GCH Bad Axe Here Comes The Boom AOM) 2019 litter. Acadia is an AKC and International Champion.
Acadia attended her first dog show at 5.5 months of age and went Best of Opposite both days in the 4-6 month baby puppy class.
Acadia attended her first big girl dog show in St. Paul, MN, January 2020, and at just 7 months old she won her puppy classes and went Best of Opposite in sweeps at the Saturday malamute specialty show!
Acadia went to the Des Monies show and won an owner handler group 4 at just 7 months old.
Acadia attended the Indy winter classic 2020 and won her puppy 6-9 class all three days, finished her puppy of achievement (POA), won Best Puppy in Specialty Show (BPISS), and then won a puppy group 4!
Acadia earned her CGC and CGCA obedience titles as well as three trick dog titles (TKN, TKI and TKA) at 9 months old.
Acadia earned her rally novice title (RN) at 18 months old. Acadia was in the top 10 for the breed in rally novice in 2020.
Acadia has proven herself to be a wonderful mother and has produced two AKC Champions from her two litters with Ketch (BISS RBIS-OH GCHB/ multiple BIS UKC CH/Grand Seiger BIS MBVIS INT CH SVCH Kasaan`s Ketch T` Fortune BAM CGCA CGCU TKA ROM), Caspain and Polar, and has two more puppies getting ready to hit the ring from her dozen litter with Mufasa (AKC CH/ UKC CH/ Nat Int Hnr JR CH Kasaan`s Long Live T` Dream at ArctiCircle BAM CGCA CGCU POA TKA TT VHMA WWPDX), Fusion and Zion.
Acadia attended her first dog show at 5.5 months of age and went Best of Opposite both days in the 4-6 month baby puppy class.
Acadia attended her first big girl dog show in St. Paul, MN, January 2020, and at just 7 months old she won her puppy classes and went Best of Opposite in sweeps at the Saturday malamute specialty show!
Acadia went to the Des Monies show and won an owner handler group 4 at just 7 months old.
Acadia attended the Indy winter classic 2020 and won her puppy 6-9 class all three days, finished her puppy of achievement (POA), won Best Puppy in Specialty Show (BPISS), and then won a puppy group 4!
Acadia earned her CGC and CGCA obedience titles as well as three trick dog titles (TKN, TKI and TKA) at 9 months old.
Acadia earned her rally novice title (RN) at 18 months old. Acadia was in the top 10 for the breed in rally novice in 2020.
Acadia has proven herself to be a wonderful mother and has produced two AKC Champions from her two litters with Ketch (BISS RBIS-OH GCHB/ multiple BIS UKC CH/Grand Seiger BIS MBVIS INT CH SVCH Kasaan`s Ketch T` Fortune BAM CGCA CGCU TKA ROM), Caspain and Polar, and has two more puppies getting ready to hit the ring from her dozen litter with Mufasa (AKC CH/ UKC CH/ Nat Int Hnr JR CH Kasaan`s Long Live T` Dream at ArctiCircle BAM CGCA CGCU POA TKA TT VHMA WWPDX), Fusion and Zion.
Acadia Working
Acadia earned her working pack dog title (WPD) spring 2021.
Acadia earned two weight pull legs (WWPD) at the Iowa Malamute Club`s March weight pull.
Acadia earned her third weight pull leg (WWPD) at the Iowa Malamute Club`s April weight pull.
Acadia finished her weight pull title (WWPD) March 2023.
Acadia earned two weight pull legs (WWPD) at the Iowa Malamute Club`s March weight pull.
Acadia earned her third weight pull leg (WWPD) at the Iowa Malamute Club`s April weight pull.
Acadia finished her weight pull title (WWPD) March 2023.